The 13th Chief Justice CHOI Jong-young
1939. Born in Gangneung, Gangwon-do
1961. Passed the 13th National Higher Civil Service Examination, Judicial Section
1965. Judge of Busan District Court
1978. Research Judge of the Supreme Court
1979. Chief Judge of Hongseong Branch Court of Daejeon District Court
1981. Presiding Judge of Seoul High Court
1986. Chief Judge of Northern Branch Court of Seoul District Court
1991. Chief Judge of Seoul Civil District Court
1992. Justice of the Supreme Court
1993. Minister of National Court Administration
1997. Chairperson of National Election Commission
1999. The 13th Chief Justice
2005. Retired as Chief Justice
[Major Achievements]
Chief Justice Choi declared justice development initiative. By organizing a Committee for Justice Development Plan, he adopted new model for civil case management, firmly established the principle of trial without physical detention, and improved a public defender system. He made reforms in various systems such as abolishing a local judge system and a ranking system of judges, introducing a single salary step system and a judicial assistance officer system, and computerizing registration and family registration affairs system. By organizing Committee for Judicial Reform, he took on the work to adopt law school system and new recruitment system of judges and launched reforms in military justice system.