YANG Chang-soo
The Honorable Justice YANG Chang Soo was born on October 7, 1952 in Jeju, Korea. In 1974, he received his LL.B. from Seoul National University majoring in law and passed the 16th National Judicial Examination in March of the same year.
Justice Yang's judgeship started in November 1979 at the Seoul Civil District Court and continued in various courts including Seoul Criminal District Court and Busan District Court. He also served at the Office of the President.
Until his appointment as a Justice in September 2008, he was a law professor at his alma mater where he taught civil law for more than 20 years since 1985.
Considered as the leading Korean civil law expert, Justice Yang was the chief architect in establishing a theoretical framework to resolve the maze of civil law through publishing extensive research theses and commentaries on judicial decisions. He is considered to have elevated the standard of civil jurisprudence by reorganizing its basic principles and presenting new measures of approach. He also took part in drafting of Act on the Registration of Real Estate under Actual Titleholder's Name as well as revision of the property sections of the Korean Civil Code. Justice Yang was selected as one of the 2007's Top 15 Scholars of Korea.
Justice Yang authored several titles including "Civil Law Research", which now comprises 9 volumes, and "Introduction to Civil Law".