LEE In-bok
The honorable Justice LEE In-bok was born in Nonsan, Chungcheongnam-do on August 5, 1956. He received his LL.B. from Seoul National University in 1978 and passed the 21st National Judicial Examination.
Justice Lee's judgeship started in September 1984 as a judge of Seoul Civil District Court. His service continued at courts of all level including, Jinju Branch Court of Changwon District Court, Seoul District Court, Daejeon High Court, and Seoul High Court. He was also dispatched to the Constitutional Court and served as a professor at the Judicial Research and Training Institute. During his service as the Chief Judge of Chuncheon District Court, he was appointed as a Supreme Court Justice in September 2010.
As a presiding judge of Seoul High Court, he drew reasonable and persuasive conclusions on highly contentious issues as 'Withdrawal of Life-sustaining Treatment (2009)' by harmonizing legal principles with concrete validity which lead to resolving conflicts of interests among social members. Besides, he has contributed to the protection of the rights of the weak and the poor.
When conducting trials, he composed an atmosphere allowing the parties to speak openly and honestly which received positive public feedbacks. Justice Lee is well known for his integrity, gentle character and decisiveness and is respected by his colleagues in the legal arena.
Justice Lee has authored several theses including 'The History and Development of the Constitutional Trial System in Korea (2001)', 'The Principle of Prohibition of Criminal Punishment and Deprivation of Property by Retroactive Legislation (1997)', and etc.