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Judicial Exchanges
[10_18_16] 2016 International Judicial Symposium

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The Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea hosted the 2016 International Judicial Symposium under the theme of “Challenges of and Responses to the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of Justice.”

The 2016 International Judicial Symposium is the world-first international judicial forum for the discussion of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and future of the judiciaries.  The Symposium invited Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Dr. Klaus Schwab, who initiated highlighting the issue of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; United Nations Judge BAIK Kang-jin of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia; CEO of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Oren Etzioni; Director of Cyber Security Lab at University of Louisville, Dr. Roman Yampolskiy; CEO of Serious Wonder Media and a futurist, Mr. Gray Scott; Founder and CEO of Allegory Law, Ms. Alma Asay; Head of Justice Technology at the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL), Dr. Jin Ho Verdonschot; Founder of Lex Machina Inc., Mr. Joshua Walker; President of Intellicon Law Firm, Mr. RHIM Yeong-ik; Chancellor Professor of Law at William and Mary Law School and Director of the Center for Legal and Court Technology, Professor Fredric Lederer; President of Bloomberg BNA Legal Division, Mr. David Perla; and Senior Judge Dory Reiling of the Amsterdam District Court.  The participants with various expertises gathered at the Symposium to present their future visions and have intense discussions.

Since the first International Judicial Symposium in 2009, the Supreme Court has been hosting the annual event to grow a global perspective and examine the future direction of the justice sector in the conventional aspects.  Taking the step forward, this year’s Symposium provided the venue for discussion on the future society and our responses to the forthcoming changes by examining the future roles of legal practitioners and justice sector, with renowned speakers from the fields of science, technology, futurism, business as well as law.

Insofar as the Fourth Industrial Revolution has only been the discussed in the economic and industrial terms, the International Judicial Symposium was especially meaningful that the new revolution was discussed in the justice sector known for its conservatism, by expanding the coverage of the issue to the future of justice and the universal values of the humanity and the rule of law, as well as taking the initiatives to bring forward the response measures for the future society.

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219 Seocho-ro,Seocho-gu,Seoul 06590,Republic of Korea 02-3480-1100