
With the introduction of computer system to judicial affairs, more effective processing of judicial affairs has become feasible. In particular, based on high-speed internet network nationwide, the Court provides wide range of judicial information services to the public, including comprehensive legal information system (CLIS), search of cases, Internet Registry Office, and Court Auction Information.
Recently, as the production and distribution of electronic documents becomes more common with the development of IT technology and people¡¯s demand for disclosure of judicial information and communication with courts grows, the Court has built electronic litigation system based on the world-class capacity of judicial informatization, satisfying people¡¯s high expectation.

Since the Judiciary took its first step to establish a judicial electronic-system by requesting the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) to conduct a study on the feasibility of judiciary electronic-proceedings in 1979, it continuously pushes forward computerizing judicial affairs.
In 1986, the Supreme Court developed Civil System under which a computerizing process of civil affairs is possible, and in 2002, completed the construction of the Case Management System. In 2007, the system called as JUSTICE (Judge¡¯s Unified System for Intelligent Case Management)was established for the support of judges¡¯ trial work, and by implementation of the JUSTICE, total care and support for judges¡¯ work such as scheduling trials, managing cases, and writing decisions electronically became possible. In 2008, the Court established the Supreme Court IT Center, the infrastructure for integrated operation of judicial information system, and also built auxiliary data centers in Daejeon, Busan, and Kwangju for stable operation of information system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Since e-Filing service for patent cases was commenced in April 2010, the Electronic Filing System was extended to the proceedings of civil cases in May 2011, family and administrative cases in January 2013, injunction cases in September 2013, insolvency cases in April 2014, and execution against property and non-litigation cases in March 2015, respectively.
In 1986, the Supreme Court developed Civil System under which a computerizing process of civil affairs is possible, and in 2002, completed the construction of the Case Management System. In 2007, the system called as JUSTICE (Judge¡¯s Unified System for Intelligent Case Management)was established for the support of judges¡¯ trial work, and by implementation of the JUSTICE, total care and support for judges¡¯ work such as scheduling trials, managing cases, and writing decisions electronically became possible. In 2008, the Court established the Supreme Court IT Center, the infrastructure for integrated operation of judicial information system, and also built auxiliary data centers in Daejeon, Busan, and Kwangju for stable operation of information system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Since e-Filing service for patent cases was commenced in April 2010, the Electronic Filing System was extended to the proceedings of civil cases in May 2011, family and administrative cases in January 2013, injunction cases in September 2013, insolvency cases in April 2014, and execution against property and non-litigation cases in March 2015, respectively.
Court Network System

The computer network of the judiciary was first installed in 1995 in 28 courts which accounted 16.8% of the total 166 courts nationwide. In 2004, double ultra-speed network system was implemented in all courts. Since 2010, in order to support the E-Filing System, process for increasing net-work speed has been launched.
The judicial network uses LAN and inter-networking. All courts, including district and municipal courts, are interconnected via routers, which make up a huge internal network. In addition, to maximize network efficiency, the Ministry of Security and Public Administration, public prosecutor's offices, banks and other outside facilities are exclusively connected with the court network system.
To strengthen the security of the court network system, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Anti-Virus system have been installed. For added security while connecting to external networks, Virtual Private Network (VPN) has been in operation.
Each year, judicial internal/external network bandwidth is expanded and security is strengthened as the amount of electronic data in circulation between and in and out of the court is expected to increase, in line with the increase of e-Filings.
The judicial network uses LAN and inter-networking. All courts, including district and municipal courts, are interconnected via routers, which make up a huge internal network. In addition, to maximize network efficiency, the Ministry of Security and Public Administration, public prosecutor's offices, banks and other outside facilities are exclusively connected with the court network system.
To strengthen the security of the court network system, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Anti-Virus system have been installed. For added security while connecting to external networks, Virtual Private Network (VPN) has been in operation.
Each year, judicial internal/external network bandwidth is expanded and security is strengthened as the amount of electronic data in circulation between and in and out of the court is expected to increase, in line with the increase of e-Filings.