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TITLE [05_14_18] Chief Justice KIM Myeongsu completes his overseas business trip to Spain, Argentina and Chile
ATTACHMENT Chief Justice KIM Myeongsu completes his overseas business trip to Spain, Argentina and Chile.docx

¢Ã On May 12, 2018, Chief Justice KIM came back completing his official visit to Spain, Argentina, Chile at the invitation of President Lorenzetti of the Supreme Court of Argentina and President Brito of the Supreme Court of Chile.

¢Ã Chief Justice KIM met with Vice President Juanes of the Supreme Court of Spain on April 30, 2018, President Lorenzetti of the Supreme Court of Argentina on May 3, 2018 and President Brito of the Supreme Court of Chile on May 7, 2018 to exchange ideas on mutual interests such as judicial system of each of their country and to discuss specific ways to expand bilateral judicial exchanges.
- Other institutions Chief Justice KIM visited include General Council of the Judiciary in Spain, Domestic Violence Office in Argentina, and the Center of Precautionary Measures in Chile.

¢Ã In order to establish institutional foundation for continuous judicial exchanges and cooperation, Chief Justice KIM singed an MOU with the Supreme Court of Argentina and the Supreme Court of Chile, respectively. Also, Chief Justice KIM promoted the achievements of Korean judiciary on the electronic case filing system by giving a presentation on the system.

¢Ã Chief Justice KIM’s official visit to Spain and two major countries in South America was his first official overseas business trip. It was meaningful that the official visit served as an occasion to further expand judicial exchanges with those three countries and to raise the international standing of the Korean judiciary.

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