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Detail Article of Press Briefings Board
TITLE [01_31_19] Center for Access to Justice
ATTACHMENT Center for Access to Justice.docx

To be established in Suwon Court Complex for the provision of comprehensive judicial service for the socially vulnerable groups


1. Background
  ¡Ü Public demand for comprehensive judicial assistance
    - According to the analysis of the Survey on Public Judicial Demand answered by 4418 adults (Research on Judicial Demand and Methods to Enhance Access to Justice), a comprehensive institution is needed to assist the public to provide fundamental solution to legal problems or issues in order to enhance access to justice for the public.
    - Provision of such comprehensive solution is one of the most actively pursued measures at international organizations that conduct extensive research on access to justice, such as the OECD, UN, World Bank, and OSJI (Open Society Justice Initiative).
  ¡Ü Resolution of Committee on Judicial Development
    - The Committee for Judicial Development, which operated as an advisory committee for the Chief Justice during March-December 2018, approved the proposal of establishing Center for Access to Justice that provides judicial assistance services for the socially vulnerable and minority groups such as people with disabilities and immigrants.


2. Works of the Center for Access to Justice
  ¡Ü Establish first Center for Access to Justice at Suwon Court Complex and expand the Center at all courts across the country based on performance analysis
  ¡Ü The center will integrate different judicial assistance services provided in courts such as legal counseling by lawyers and legal scriveners or Priority Service Desk for people with disabilities, immigrants and foreigners and provide comprehensive judicial supports at one place. Judicial Assistance Officials (equivalent to court official grade V) will oversee the works of Center for Access to Justice.
  ¡Ü In cooperation with external legal institutions, the center will provide comprehensive and practical legal counseling services to litigants along with psychological counseling.
  ¡Ü In addition to providing detailed information on all judicial services provided by the Center for Access to Justice on the court’s website, users can make online reservation for legal counseling at the Center.
  ¡Ü While the Center will serve socially vulnerable citizens on priority basis, general visitors can also use the Center.


3. Types of Judicial Services Provided by the Center
1) Accept reservation for in-depth counseling after completing initial counseling with an expert at related organization for the legal issue
2) Provide information and contacts of external organizations such as specialized civic organization, interpretation service provider, etc.
3) Provide assistance devices for people with disabilities and rest lounge
4) Provide judicial information and assistance for people with informational vulnerability


4. Future Plans
  ¡Ü The first Access to Justice Center will be in operation with the opening of Suwon Court Complex in March 2019 to provide comprehensive judicial services
  ¡Ü The Access to Justice Center will replace the previous Priority Service Desks that have been providing restrictive services. With continuous follow-up analysis of the operation, more Access to Justice Center will be established in other courts.

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