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TITLE [09_25_19] Chief Justice KIM Myeongsu meets with the Chief Justice of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
ATTACHMENT Chief Justice KIM Myeongsu meets with the Chief Justice of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.docx

¡Ý Chief Justice Kim had a meeting with the Honorable Geoffrey Ma, Chief Justice of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, at the Supreme Court on September 24, 2019. 
  ¡Ø Article 2 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong SAR authorizes the Hong Kong SAR to exercise the power of final adjudication. The Court of Final Appeal is the highest court of Hong Kong. 

¡Ý Chief Justice Kim and Chief Justice Ma exchanged views and opinions regarding the agendas of the 18th Conference of Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific, common challenges that both judiciaries faces such as the independence of the judicial power and the rule of law, and how to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between the Supreme Court of Korea and the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal. 

¡Ý On the same day, Chief Justice Kim hosted a dinner for Chief Justice Ma and his spouse at the Official Residence of the Chief Justice. 
  ¡Ø Mrs. Maria Yuen, spouse of Chief Justice Ma, is also a judge of the High Court of Hong Kong.

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