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TITLE [10_28_19] Priority Service Desk for Customized Judicial Services for the Socially Vulnerable People
ATTACHMENT Priority Service Desk for Customized Judicial Services for the Socially Vulnerable People.docx

Opening in Goyang Branch Court of Uijeongbu District Court and Pyeongtaek Branch Court of Suwon District Court


¡á Since 2014, the Supreme Court has been establishing 2-6 Priority Service Desks every year for the socially vulnerable and minority groups such as people with disabilities, foreigners and refugees from North Korea. The counselors at Priority Service Desk are certified judicial scriveners and provide counseling and judicial supports for the socially vulnerable citizens.

¡á Total 25 counselors are positioned at Priority Service Desks in 13 courts: Seoul Central District Court, Seoul Eastern District Court, Seoul Southern District Court, Seoul Northern District Court, Seoul Western District Court, Seoul Administrative Court, Seoul Bankruptcy Court, Incheon District Court, Busan District Court, Ulsan District Court, Daejeon District Court, Cheonan Branch Court of Daejeon District Court and Western Branch Court of Busan District Court.

¡á Priority Service Desks are equipped with case search system for people with disabilities (accessible desks and computer with voice converting program), reading enlarger, video conference telephone for language interpretation, portable voice amplifier, magnifying glasses, etc. along with Judicial Support Application form designed for people with disabilities to enhance convenience of making application for judicial support with regard to the litigation proceedings.
 ¡Û Positive effects:
  - Professional and customized counseling service for the socially vulnerable people and minority groups
  - Comprehensive judicial services provided at the Desk enables visitors to receive not only the information needed for their dispute but also the information on how they can get other judicial supports
¡á Additional Priority Service Desks will be opened in latter half of the year at: Changwon District Court, Gwangju District Court, Goyang Branch Court of Uijeongbu District Court, Ansan Branch Court of Suwon District Court, Pyeongtaek Branch Court of Suwon District Court and Gwangju Family Court.
 ¡Û Design
  - Priority Service Desk will be designed at a private place such as a booth where visitors can feel secure and reliable
 ¡Û Location
  - Inside or near the civil service center
 ¡Û Selection and appointment of counselor
  - Appoint a legal expert who has judicial scrivener certificate to carry out responsibilities of providing practical information on case proceedings and general legal information
  - Provide counseling service for the general civil inquiries while maintaining major duty as counselor for Priority Service Desk
 ¡Û Schedule of new Priority Service Desks
  - Complete construction of Priority Service Desks by late September-early November, 2019
  - Appoint 1-2 counselors by late September-early November
  - Prepare and organize for the new Priority Service Desks and open at the Goyang Branch Court of Uijoengbu District Court on October 28, 2019; Ansan Branch Court of Suwon District Court and Gwangju Family Court on November 1, 2019; and Gwangju District Court and Changwon District Court on December 2, 2019
¡á Expected Effects
 ¡Û The Priority Service Desks will provide judicial services for those who find difficulty or take longer time to handle judicial affairs, such as people with disabilities and foreigners, thereby enhancing the quality of judicial services and confidence
¡á The judiciary plans to establish 5-6 Priority Service Desks every year to provide the best judicial services for the socially vulnerable and minority groups.

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