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TITLE [12_27_19] The Supreme Court launches a new service to issue the ¡°Certificate of Family Relations in English Language¡±, opening the way for the people to easily certify their family relations overseas
ATTACHMENT The Supreme Court launches a new service to issue the ¡°Certificate of Family Relations in English Language¡±, opening the way for the people to easily certify their family relations overseas.docx

¢Ã Starting from December 27, 2019, the Supreme Court will begin a new service of issuing the Certificate of Family Relations in English Language.
¢Ã Up until now, whenever Korean citizens needed to certify their family relations overseas for the purpose of getting a job in a foreign country, studying abroad, overseas trip and the immigration process for minors, they had to obtain certificates for each of the registered matters in the family relations register and have it translated and notarized at their own cost.
¢Ã This has caused not only a burden on the public, time-wise and economically-wise, but also undermined public trust in the certificate as it has been translated in different forms and styles.
¢Ã To deal with such inconveniences and to enhance credibility of the certificate, the Supreme Court of Korea and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have adopted the Certificate of Family Relations in English where the passport information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is linked to the Supreme Court. On December 13, 2019, the two institutions co-hosted a briefing session at the Supreme Court on the new certificate inviting diplomatic corps in Korea to request their cooperation in better facilitating its use and enhancing its credibility.
¢Ã The new certificate in English is not just a translated document from Korean into English, rather it is a single unique certificate which contains select information essentially needed abroad.
¢Ã The new certificate of family relations in English can be obtained from a nearby family relation registration office in Korea, or by visiting Korean Diplomatic Mission or via postal service in case the applicant is overseas. The certificate can also be obtained on the Internet free of charge by accessing Electronic Family Relation Registration System (http://efamily.scourt.go.kr).

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