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Detail Article of Press Briefings Board
TITLE [04_16_21] The Official Website for the Visitation Centers has been Launched.
ATTACHMENT The Official Website for the Visitation Centers has been Launched.docx

The Supreme Court has established and operated court visitation centers for the fulfillment of parents’ duty of visitation and for the protection of minor children’s visitation right.

A court visitation center is a neutral and safe place to facilitate meetings of parents and children. Currently, five centers are established in the Seoul Family Court, the Incheon Family Court, the Kwangju Family Court, the Jeonju District Court, and the Daegu Family Court, and we are preparing to open three centers in the Suwon Family Court, the Busan Family Court, and the Daejeon Family Court in 2021. Furthermore, we plan to gradually expand the centers to courts nationwide.

If there is informed consent from both parents, they can use a visitation center near the place of children’s actual residence. In addition, a visitation center will provide a variety of support including support for visitation, drop off/pick up service, parent education, and counselling services.

To make known visitation centers to the public and to improve convenience such as apply online and access to information, the Supreme Court launched the official website for court visitation centers. The website address is https://mannam.scourt.go.kr.

With the creation of the website, people can more easily access a visitation center by applying online through the website, in addition to visit in person or mail which have been previously used, and get useful information on visitation through the website.

It is expected that the website for visitation centers will be an important channel to provide information on visitation and to improve user convenience.

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