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TITLE [12_14_22] Ceremony held for the Opening of I WORK AT THE COURT Temporary Exhibition
ATTACHMENT Ceremony held for the Opening of ¡°I Work at the Court¡± Temporary Exhibition.docx

1. Purpose of the Exhibition
  ¡Û To provide an opportunity for the public to better associate with the court by introducing how the court is organized and the day-to-day work of its members.

2. Date, Venue, and Participants
  ¡Û Date: 3:00 pm (Tue) December 13, 2022 
  ¡Û Venue: Court Museum, 1fl of the Supreme Court Building 
  ¡Û Participants: KIM Sanghwan, Minister of National Court Administration (NCA), NCA and Supreme Court Senior Officials, and Court Officers

3. Contents of the Exhibition
  ¡Û Currently, about 18,000 court employees are responsible for trial-related work, non-litigious cases, and court administration.
  ¡Û Recruiting process and changes in the work environment through the photos and materials on appointments and the work of the court members.
  ¡Û Vivid videos of a court employee working in the criminal division on a trial day and the workplace are available for the public. Interviews of judges, court reporters, family-relations registration officers, and court security officers are shown in the exhibition.

4. Remarks by the Minister of NCA
  ¡Û Minister KIM Sanghwan stated that “this temporary exhibition will provide an occasion to examine the past and present of members of the court and to ponder about the future direction of our court.” He added, “Through this exhibition, I expect the ‘court’ where the judiciary’s members work to become the ‘court’ where people feel close to and reliable.

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