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TITLE [05_08_19] Chief Justice of Korea¡¯s visit to Germany
ATTACHMENT Chief Justice of Korea¡¯s visit to Germany.docx

¢Á Chief Justice Kim Myeongsu made an official visit to Germany for 10 days and returned to Korea on May 6, 2019.
¢Á Upon the invitations extended by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG), the Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG), the Federal Labour Court (BAG), all of which are the highest courts of Germany, and Freiburg University, Chief Justice Kim and his delegation visited the following institutions.
- Federal Court of Justice on April 29, 2019
- Freiburg University on April 30, 2019
- Federal Constitutional Court on April 30, 2019
- Federal Administrative Court on May 2, 2019
- Federal Labour Court on May 3, 2019

¢Á The delegation headed by Chief Justice Kim had an in-depth discussion about prearranged agendas through 2 -3 hours. Some of them are as follows.
- Common topics for all courts: The role of court as an institution exercising the power of adjudication and its accomplishment in the social integration process at the time of the unification of Germany
- Federal Administrative Court: The operation of a lawsuit for performance of obligation system
- Federal Labour Court: The role of a labour court as a specialized court

¢Á This is the first visit made by the Chief Justice of Korea to Germany, and it will serve as a momentum for strengthening the cooperation between the both judiciaries.

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