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TITLE [06_10_19] The Training Institute for Court Officials holds an international symposium to celebrate 20 years of the judicial exchange program between registrars of Korea and Japan
ATTACHMENT The Training Institute for Court Officials holds an international symposium to celebrate 20 years of the judicial exchange program between registrars of Korea and Japan.docx

¢Ã The Training Institute for Court Officials (TICO), jointly with the Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Japan, held an international symposium to celebrate 20 years of the judicial exchange program between registrars of Korea and Japan, etc. at Conrad Hotel, Seoul, Korea on June 24, 2019.

¢Ã TICO is responsible for training and development programs for court officials as an affiliated institution of the Supreme Court of Korea, and the Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice is in charge of conducting research on the training of court officials and staff members as a research and training institution of the Ministry of Justice of Japan. Both institutes have operated the judicial exchange programs together for 20 years.

¢Ã Since the establishment in 1999, practitioners in both countries have discussed various issues in major non-litigation areas such as property registration in a comparative perspective and have gained insight into the operation of their judicial systems through the exchange program. In addition, this program has played a pivotal role to strengthen relations between practitioners of both countries.

¢Ã In celebration of 20th year of the judicial exchange program, TICO and the Research and Training Institute invited experts from the two countries and held a symposium to discuss the way forward to the development of the judicial system in non-litigation areas.

¢Ã This symposium is meaningful in that it commemorated the judicial exchanges which last for 20 years in non-litigation areas. Justice Cho Jae-youn, Minister of National Court Administration, Mr. Lee Chan-hee, President of the Korean Bar Association, and Mr. Choi Young-seung, President of the Korea Association of Beommusa Lawyer delivered congratulatory speeches at the symposium.

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