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Detail Article of Press Briefings Board
TITLE [01_12_23] 2023 Online Meeting with Court Interpreters
ATTACHMENT 2023 Online Meeting with Court Interpreters.docx

¡Û Overview of the Online Meeting with Court Interpreters
In collaboration with the Research Affairs/R&DB Foundation of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, the National Court Administration met with court interpreters to discuss NCA's expectations toward court interpretation and translation and gather opinions of the court interpreters, translators, and academics.

¡Û Date, Time, and Format
 - 14:00 - 16:00 Thursday, January 12, 2023
 - Virtual meeting

¡Û Background
There has been a continuous increase in cases involving foreigners, which has led to the need for effective and accurate interpretation and translation for the court to ensure fair trials for foreign parties. To that extent, the court considered that an open discussion with interpreters would facilitate improving interpretation and translation qualities.
In the academic field of language interpretation and translation, only a limited number of research focus on judges' perspectives and the specific demands for court interpretation and translation. The meeting will facilitate the efforts to improve court interpretation and translation by sharing judges' expectations toward interpreters and translators and gathering opinions of interpretation and translation experts.

¡Û Future Plans
The court will review the opinions offered by judges in charge of cases involving foreigners, court interpreters, translators, and experts, and plans to effectively take them into account for future improvements of court interpretation and translation qualities.


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