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TITLE Supreme Court Decision 2010Do3232 Decided June 10, 2010 [Violation of the Management of Mountainous Districts Act,...Original Copy of Authentic Document with False Entry] [full Text]
[1] Whether a ""conciliation protocol"" prepared in the conciliation procedure in accordance with the Judicial Conciliation of Civil Disputes Act constitutes an ""original copy of an authentic document"" which is an object of a crime of false entry in the original copy of an authentic document (negative) [2] The case finding an error of misunderstanding of legal principle in the judgment of the court below which convicted as to the indicted fact accusing the defendant of making a false entry in the original copy of an authentic document to the purport that the judge was led to enter false facts in the conciliation protocol by an application submitted with false contents for reconciliation, with the determination that a conciliation protocol constitutes an original copy of an authentic document
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