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TITLE Supreme Court Decision 2009Do1151 Decided July 22, 2010[Death Resulting from Bodily Injury] [full Text]
[1] Criteria to determine the credibility of a confession [2] Where the burden of proof lies to establish charged facts in a criminal court (=the prosecutor), and the probative value of proof required to establish guilt [3] Affirming judgment below that acquitted the defendants of charged facts regarding death resulting from bodily injury, on the grounds that confession statements made by each defendant lacked credibility
Prev Supreme Court en banc Decision 2010Do1189 Decided July 23, 2010¡¼Injury Caused by Special Obstruction of Public Duties¤ýGeneral Traffic Obstruction¤ýViolation of the National Security Act (Praise¤ýIncitement, etc.)¤ýViolation of the Assembly and Demonstration Act¡½
Next Supreme Court Decision 2010Hu456 Decided July 22, 2010 [Invalidated Registration (Trademark)]
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