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TITLE Supreme Court Decision 2013Do7787 Decided July 9, 2015 ¡¼Violation of the Child Welfare Act¡½ [full Text]
Meaning of ¡°sexual child abuse,¡± which is banned under the former Child Welfare Act, and standard for determining such an act / Where a child victim lacks the ability to exercise the right to sexual self- determination and to protect himself/herself, whether it can be determined that an offender¡¯s act does not constitute a sexual child abuse solely on the grounds that the victimized child did not express resistance to the offender¡¯s demand or did not experience physical or psychological pain due to the offender¡¯s act, etc. (negative)
Prev Supreme Court Decision 2014Da233190 Decided July 9, 2015 ¡¼Damages (Med.)¡½
Next Supreme Court en banc Decision 2007Du4995 Decided June 25, 2015 ¡¼Revocation of Disposition on Return of Labor Union Establishment Report¡½
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