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TITLE Supreme Court Decision 2011Da101148 Decided April 9, 2015 ¡¼Damages¡½ [full Text]
1] Where copyright reverts back, upon termination of a copyright trust, to the trustor who is the original copyright owner, whether the user of the copyrighted work may claim against the original copyright owner as to its subsequent use after the reversion of copyright upon the trust termination, on the ground that there had been the trustee¡¯s authorization to exploit works (negative in principle)

[2] Cases in which a partial use of a copyrighted literary, musical, or cinematographic work may not be viewed as an infringement on the author¡¯s right of integrity, and whether the same holds true for a case in which the partial user failed to obtain the authorization to exploit works from the owner of the author¡¯s property rights regarding the partial use (affirmative)
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