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TITLE Supreme Court Decision 2020Do15393 Decided December 7, 2023 ¡¼Violation of the Labor Standards Act; Violation of the Act on the Guarantee of Employees¡¯ Retirement Benefits¡½ [full Text]
¡¼Main Issues and Holdings¡½ [1] Whether the determination of ¡°whether weekly overtime hours exceeded 12 hours¡± under the former Labor Standards Act should be made on the basis of hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week, instead of considering whether daily working hours exceeded 8 hours (affirmative) [2] If an employer makes employees work overtime of 4 hours in excess of 8 hours per day in accordance with the former Labor Standards Act, whether an employer should grant a recess of more than 30 minutes during overtime hours (affirmative)
Prev Supreme Court Decision 2023Do2318 Decided December 7, 2023 ¡¼Violation of the Act on the Guarantee of Employees¡¯ Retirement Benefits¡½
Next Supreme Court Decision 2019Du53952 Decided November 30, 2023 ¡¼Revocation of Retrial Decision to Correct Discrimination¡½
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