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TITLE Supreme Court Decision 2023Do8603 Decided February 29, 2024 ¡¼Violation of the Protection of Communications Secrets Act¡½ [full Text]
¡¼Main Issue and Holding¡½ Meaning of the term ¡°listening¡± as referred to in the Protection of Communications Secrets Act and whether an act of playing back and ¡°listening to¡± the recordings of the conversation after any conversation has already ended may be included in ¡°listening¡± mentioned above (negative)
Prev Supreme Court Decision 2023Da294791 Decided February 29, 2024 ¡¼Lawsuit Seeking Confirmation of Nullification of Election¡½
Next Supreme Court Decision 2023Da294470, 294487 Decided February 29, 2024 ¡¼Claim for Business Expenses; Damages (Etc.)¡½
219 Seocho-ro,Seocho-gu,Seoul 06590,Republic of Korea 02-3480-1100