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TITLE [Special Robbery (Admitted Title of Crime: Larceny),Violation of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims ....]Supreme Court Decision 2009Do3580 Decided September 10, 2009 [full Text]
[1] The criteria for determining the legal gender of a victim of the crime of rape [2] Whether the gender of transsexuals which differs from their birth gender can be evaluated as legal gender [3] A transsexual falls under the category of ""female"" who is the object of the crime of rape
Prev [Confirmation of Scope of Patent Right (Patent)]Supreme Court Decision 2007Hu3356 Decided September 10, 2009
Next [Provisional Injunction against Infringement of Trademark]Seoul Central District Court Order 2009Kahap653 Dated September 9, 2009
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