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TITLE [Confirmation of Scope of Patent Right (Patent)]Supreme Court Decision 2007Hu3356 Decided September 10, 2009 [full Text]
[1] The meaning and scope of ""production"" and the elements for an article to constitute an ""article to be used only for the production of the patented article"" under Article 127 subparagraph 1 of the Patent Act which provides about the indirect infringement [2] The case holding that the act of producing and/or selling an article of the invention under dispute titled as ""a grinding pad for CMP"" as business constitutes an indirect infringement upon the patent right titled as ""an improved grinding pad for CMP"" as of the time of decision of the trial confirming the scope of patent right [3] The degree of specification about the invention under dispute, which is required to request a trial for the confirmation of scope of patent right
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