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TITLE [Unjust Enrichment]Supreme Court Decision 2008Da40526 Decided July 23, 2009 [full Text]
[1] Whether an entrepreneur's conduct abusing its trade position causing losses to a trade partner, prescribed as a type of unfair trade practice under the former Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, constitutes a tort as a matter of civil law (affirmative) [2] Conduct of a large scale retailer in a superior trade position vis-a-vis goods suppliers who made cooperation workers dispatched by a goods supplier sell its supplied commercial goods, etc. is conduct abusing its trade position, and constitutes a tort as a matter of civil law; total expenses including personnel expenses, etc. incurred as a result of the above conduct are to be included in scope of losses, but liability may be limited in light of the principles of good-faith or fairness when the supplier benefited from dispatching its workers that led to increased sales volume of the product.
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